28 septiembre 2011

15 October - United for Global Change

15 October - United for Global Change

It's time for us to unite

It's time for them to listen

People of the world, rise up!

"El cine español está prostituído"

Tinieblas González: "El cine español está prostituído". Rueda de prensa completa.

you can't afford to go to a doctor?


So you can't afford to go to a doctor? 
Go to an airport---You'll get a free x-ray and breast exam AND if you mention Al Queda, you'll get a free colonoscopy!


 Two old ladies sitting in church:
One leans over and whispers to the other "my butt is going to sleep". 
The other replies "I know I have heard it snore 3 times"


When a woman says "What?" to a man, she didn't mishear him, she is giving him a chance to change his mind!